The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2009 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 15th February 2009. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14 [Day 22] (Valley View site) The temperature ranged from 0C to 4C and back down to 1C at 1900 with mainly W winds that gusted to between 60 and 80 km/h between 1200 and 1430 before moderating somewhat. Ridge winds were strong for most of the day and the cloud cover ranged from 70% altostratus and cumulus merging into thick stratocumulus to the west. We had a few flurries in the early morning and again after 1700, when the ridges to the south became progressively clouded over. Golden Eagle movement was again very steady from the first bird at 0816, with every hour between 0800 and 1600 yielding between 9 and 15 birds. After 1600 movement slowed and became very sporadic as ridges to the south became obscured and only a further 8 birds were counted. All the birds were adult as was the day’s only Bald Eagle at 1104. 12 hours (230.9) BAEA 1 (108), GOEA 96 (582) TOTAL 97 (704)
Mount Lorette (Cliff Hansen) Conditions were again similar with temperatures ranging from 0C to 5C, ridge winds SW strong, moderating after 1700 and altostratus and cumulus cloud cover ranging from 10% to 80%. Golden Eagle movement started at 0837 and increased during the afternoon with maximum passage of 9 birds from 1500 and 1600, with the last seen at 1815. The Golden Eagle total of 41 is the highest so far this season and all birds identified to age were adults. The single unaged Sharp-shinned Hawk equaled the second earliest occurrence of the species at the site, the earliest being March 13 in 1995. 11.75 hours (125.9) BAEA 1 (10), SSHA 1 (1), NOGO 2 (3), UA 1 (1), GOEA 41 (124) TOTAL 46 (143)

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