The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2009 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 15th February 2009. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1 [Day 12] (Valley View site) It was 0C at 0715, and the temperature briefly reached a pleasant 8C at 1500, with WNW to W moderate to strong winds all day, occasionally gusting in the morning to 60 km/h on the valley floor, but moderating in the afternoon. Cloud cover was 80-100% cumulus, altostratus and cirrostratus giving excellent observation conditions. The apparently ideal migration conditions was reflected in the fact that 5 adult Golden Eagles had moved north before 1100, but subsequently only 6 more adult migrant Golden Eagles were seen, the last at the relatively early time of 1558, suggesting that poor weather farther south was impeding their progress. 11 hours (120.7) GOEA 11 (75) TOTAL 11 (146)
The Mount Lorette comparison count started today, where Bill Wilson counted a total of 1 Bald Eagle and 6 Golden Eagles (all adults) moving between 0759 and 1639 under similar weather conditions to ours. Also similar was the fact that 4 of the 6 Golden Eagles also moved before 1100. Highlights of the passerine count were a Townsend’s Solitaire and an American Tree Sparrow. 11.5 hours (11.5) BAEA 1 (1), GOEA 6 (6) TOTAL 7 (7)

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